paranoid as F@#k (bit long sorry)

Me and my so, we have been together a year and a half now and have a 7 month old daughter together. Our sex life is amazing, out of this world. Or so he had always told me, and so I always thought until recently. We broke up for a bit. And I started to date another guy for a while, didn't have sex tho as I hadn't moved on in that sense yet. In time I missed my ex so much we got back together. But we are taking it all slow again. After some little arguments lately I keep trying to end the relationship. Due to insecurities of my own. And it's been making him paranoid, he believes maybe i want it to end or that maybe I want to find someone else. Which he really really doesn't want to happen. I've made remarks about other guys, (which I shouldn't, maybe deep down I'm trying to make him jealous or something) but anyway moral of this is, during sex with him I tend to get very very wet which he always found AMAZING because he new he was turning me on big time. But I kept making remarks asking him was it not causing a lack of friction and he always says no not at all why does it for you? Am I not big enough or something? So I'm turn my paranoia made him paranoid to the point now where he slegs me off about it making remarks like, sure your too wide you could fit two dicks. Or, I'm going to need a snorkel. Or saying things like blow jobs is all I'm good at. He tries to make them into jokes but I'm not amused. So last night he went soft right at sex, but during oral he kept going hard, then soft again at intercourse. Since when has this become a problem 😭😭😭 could he just be paranoid? Or is he not enjoying my sex anymore? Or is he trying to knock confidence so I WONT find anyone else or leave him. HELP!!!! It has made me so so insecure and I tell him this and he apologises and says it's only jokes and he doesn't mean it. But I just don't kno anymore. 😔😔