So mad, rant, probably long.

So I have had a low pain for about 2 weeks now, thought it was the small cysts I have...well I went to the doctors on Friday for first ultrasound and all that jazz. I got my test results back from my urine sample, from what I read there's some sort of infection. The pain is pretty bad today. So, on the other hand, I reapplied for insurance in June, they're still handling paperwork but I'm on urgent list, as I'm pregnant. So technically uninsured right now and my OB knows this. They said give it 10 days. I called the doctors office this morning, and told her about the pain I'm having as I'm pretty miserable, she said since its not pregnancy related they can't help me. Why!!?? They have all my tests, everything. She told me to go to my primary care physician. But I can't afford another self pay visit. My last resort is, head to the ER because they can back date my visit once I get my insurance back. Should I wait and see if/when my doctor sees my results from urinalysis, or head to ER? With my pregnancy with my son I had UTIs all the time, but this feels different, like in my kidney...Im just upset at my obs office. I don't even know what to do. Seems everything happens at once.