A cry for help 😢😔

Life has been throwing some pretty ugly curve balls at me lately and I think it's making my anxiety spiral more into full on depression. I have generalized anxiety disorder already that I used to be on meds for when I was younger like in high school but at one point I was doing really well and was able to come off them. Now for the past I would say year or so I've noticed that it seems to be worsening again. And as of a few weeks ago I'd say it's gotten pretty out of control due to life stressing me out. I'm to the point where I'm having at least one panic attack a day, I'm not sleeping well at all, I'm on edge all the time, and I barely have an appetite or just energy in general. I'm finding it very hard to control my emotions and I feel like the people closest to me like my husband are starting to feel the effects. I try my hardest to be myself or appear happy when around them but sometimes I just can't shake it. Today is one of those days where I just keep bursting into tears that turn into full on panic attacks and idk how to stop it. I wish I could just go back to the dr and get out back on meds but unfortunately I don't have health insurance at the moment so that is not an option. Any suggestions would be super helpful to me right now because idk where to go from here and I feel like I'm just spiraling further downÂ