Absolutely HATE being pregnant.

I was fine for the first 4 weeks, and the last 5 have been complete hell. I have morning sickness so bad I was in the hospital on an IV because I couldn't have crackers or 2 drops of water without hurling immediately. I have grown 4 painful cup sizes that ache with or without a bra. Even a baggy t-shirt is too much. And the weight of them! The weight is causing me back aches and neck crinks like never before. I can feel nothing but agonizing cramps and splitting skin above my belly button. Doctors have told me I'm growing very fast because I have a tremendous amount of hormones. I can't go for a walk to ease my pain because I throw up every 20 steps. I can't go to work most days, I can't sleep. I can't eat but I'm extra Hungry. And everyone keeps telling me I should be more excited about the baby or that it's all about my attitude or some story of how "my mom had it bad and she never said this or that". And I know all these things. I am beyond thrilled I get to be a mom. I am stoked. And I know all the tricks and tips, I have Google too. They don't help. I have tried everything, so don't tell me I haven't tried hard enough. Don't tell me it's just my outlook because I wish it would get better. I know I'm lucky. I just am so sick of feeling like absolute garbage 24/7.