A decision I was hoping I didn't have to make..

I went in for my measurement and position scan. Come to find out baby is completely breech now.. no longer transverse. A week ago at my last appointment the ob told me the bump at my ribs was too big to be baby's head. Now 6 days later, the scan shows baby's head at my ribs. I don't know what to do, I don't want any risks on the baby, or myself. But I am truly scared to death of having a csection. It is making my anxiety sky rocket... and all that keeps popping up is my first born... and how selfish I was this time around. I don't want him to lose me, I don't want to lose him. I know csections are done all of the time, but I'm so afraid! I know I don't have to allow this until I go into labor, but if I go into labor and it's an emergency csection that may be even worse on me. I don't understand why this baby won't freaking flip and stay flipped! Sorry, just a rant or whatever...