We made it!!

Danielle • I`m a 38 year old mommy of 3 beautiful daughters 19, 15 ,3 and 1 sweet little boy who is 1.5. Married for 5 years and pregnant baby #5.
Here we are finally in November. As excited as I am for my sweet little girl to arrive, I am also kind of sad to see it go. It might be selfish of me but right now she is all mine lol. I will miss feeling her squirm around in my belly, every practice breath, every hiccup and every kick are all mine right now. The excitement of meeting her and seeing her sweet face greatly outweighs the selfishness though. Good luck all of you November mommies awaiting the arrival of your precious ones. And many prayers for safe deliveries :) This 40 week journey is nearing it's end and the new great journey is about to begin♡♡