OBGYN exams after trauma

It's been 6 years since I was raped twice in about 6 months. I've always been an advocate for speaking up and out about assault and stigma that follows the victims, I've been in therapy for a long time, and I've been very adamant that I'm past it.
Recently, during my current pregnancy, vaginal exams have become the most anxiety filled part of a day. I had to go to the hospital last night for some pain I was having and fear of preterm labor, and I almost passed out when my midwife had to swab me. Usually I'd have my husband with me, but our five year old was with us so they left the room during the exam and I had to handle it alone. 
Has anyone else encountered this? I have no problem having sex with my husband, discussing the last assaults, or anything else, but when I'm getting necessary medical attention that involves a swab or my doctor feeling my cervix, I panic. Any ideas on coping?