long story short - ive been having intolerable excrutiating period cramps for years, which i recently found out is a series of very persistant, very invasive cysts. which burst a few times a month and then come back after ive had my period. ive tried multiple different pain medications which my body has only developped a tolerance for. the pain is so bad that ive come to the conclusion the only way it will stop is if i have a hysterectomy... i am confident in that decision but i do want to have atleast one child so i can experience the miracle of  pregnancy one day, but the pain is so debilitating and excrutiating. i need somebody to tell me that it will all be worth it - that having a child is the most incredible miracle there is because that is NOT how i feel when i am experiencing this level of pain :( please help 
ALSO ive heard of something called mefenamic acid tablets- willing to try them if they work but i will probably just develop a tolerance for them again.