Car repossessed

Ladies I need your help. I don't know what to do. My husband and I share a car but unfortunately it was repossessed today. I haven't worked since June because we couldn't afford childcare and my husband was making good money at the time, but last month his hours got cut really bad so we worked out a schedule so I can go back to work in the morning and he works at night so we just switch off with keeping the baby. Well I don't start my job until Monday and I assumed we were just a month behind on the car payment so I was going to make a payment as soon as I could. Come to find out we are almost three months behind! I asked my husband what happened because my husband told me to make a deal with the bank to make a payment on the car. He told me that he had the money. So we went to the bank the weekend of Halloween and he made a payment. I didn't know how much he made but I assumed that it was either the amount he said he would pay or at least half of it. Well I just found out that he only made five fucking dollars on the payment. I was so pissed! He's always telling me to not worry about the bills, that he got it and to trust him. I finally do and this happens. I'm always begging him to communicate with me about the bills so we can work out payments but he won't!! He kept telling that since I'm not working (yet) that there was no need for me to worry about it! I'm so confused I don't know what to do. I'm tired of this. The same thing happened with the gas! I thought it was being paid but when I came home the gas was cut off so no heat or hot water. Should I be mad here? I can't help but to no longer trust my husband when it come to finances! I have my orientation tomorrow and I don't know how I'm going to get there. I'm so glad I'm going back to work! I kinda blame myslef becuase I shouldn't have stopped working. I had a bad feeling about leaving my job. What do I do ladies? Please help.