
I feel like I'm so miserable to be around right now. My husband and I hardly see each other. He works 12 hour nights Monday-Friday. When we do, I feel like I always make some comment about him getting to sleep as he pleases, etc. I try not to, but catch myself doing it. I know it doesn't do any good. This is life with a baby. I'm not saying he couldn't go without a little less sleep or help out more, but I don't want to be bitching the brief time we have together. I don't want to end up just roommates. Idk how this will all go when I go back to work.

Idk. I feel terrible wishing time away. But I find myself thinking of when baby is older and we can go do things and he has more of a personality. I know each stage of baby's life will be challenging and it doesn't just stop being hard. 😔 Sigh.