LGBT RIGHTS protesters 🤔🏳️‍🌈


DISCLAIMER: this entire rant is all about LGBTQ related topics, so if that annoys, angers or triggers you, I would advise you not read it!


Alright, so at my school, a majority of the people are very accepting to the LGBT's way of life and the community as a whole. Which is hella great, I myself am not apart of the community,but I support it and fight for it in every way possible. Anywayto get what this rant is really about- homophobes

Alrighty so it was just a normal day, everything went well but then as everyone is boarding the buses to to home, and the buses are pulling out of the school's "drive way", we look out the window and there are there two grown men standing there outside our fucking high school;knowing there are  kids who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans,etc that go there. Their signs read "HOMO SEX IS SIN" and the other one said "JESUS WOULDN'T AGREE WITH YOUR SINS".

 And of course everyone stared screaming and getting loud on the bus, most everybody was screaming at the men to leave our school. 

But there was this one girl who was screaming things like "They're right! God made men for women and women for men!" and then everyone started to scream at her and it was just chaos. Anyway, she tried to fight like 6 people on our bus for expressing their opinion, just like she had her's, which really made me mad.  Please get a hobby, read a book, watch some gay porn, idk but seriously don't waist your time in front of a high school, if you're trying to preach to the younger generation, go to a youth group that may have the same beliefs as you. Standing out in front of our school did nothing, tomorrow the gay kids are still going to be gay, the trans kids are still going to be trans, everyone will be the same. All you did was upset some already emotionally unstable teenagers. 

 You doing that literally caused no changes in the way any of us feel about the people we choose to love.Anyway, thank you for reading this if you actually did, sorry if I bored you. 

Also Love wins 🏳️‍🌈❤️