Has anyone suffered from Acute fatty liver of Pregnancy

So I've been diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum at 15 weeks and I have been prescribed Diclegis to help stop the throwing up 8x a day and the nausea but since I started taking those pills I have been dealing with cramping in my stomach where my stomach will get real tight and I start to sweat really hard and I feel like I'm about to pass out and throw up at the same time and while those symptoms are happening my back start to hurts all the way down to my toes only on the right leg and it feels like static pain because if I move the pain get worse but he thing is that it only happen at night and it last for 20-30 minutes. I went to the hospital due to passing out and the doctor inform me that my liver enzymes were a little high and my platelets were low and that could cause preaclampsia so I was wondering have any of you ladies suffered with this ?