Baby or Abortion??


I moved to Israel a year ago from the USA and got married to my husband only 2 months ago after knowing him 8 months. We planned on waiting at least a year or two for kids. Somehow I got pregnant and I don't know what to do. I don't feel ready for kids and I don't want things to change with me and my husband. I also finish school in another year so timing is all wrong.

Abortion is illegal in Israel and it's too expensive fot me to go to the USA or Europe for an abortion. I can order the abortion pills online but I'm scared of aborting at home by myself.

My husband said the decision is mine (but I can sense he isn't thrilled). We wanted to enjoy being newly weds for a year or two. I'm torn and on the fence. He said aborting is wrong and if we do about then we should wait 2 or 3 years for a baby. Waiting another year at this point won't make a difference.

Help me girls!!!!!!


I am keeping it and me and hubby are excited!!!!