Colicky baby

Stephanie • mommy of one wild child

Does anyone have a colicky baby? I'm pretty sure my baby is colicky. I have an appointment with a doctor on Friday to see what I can do for her. Her symptoms

She cries from 9 until 12 and even then it's still rough she screeches not cries but it's high pitched screeching. Like something hurts her. And after awhile she'll screech so much she turns red and no way of calming her then until I give her a bottle. After awhile she'll be calm. And it starts again at 6 to 1130. It's so horrible I've tried everything. Car rides rocking her gas drops gerber soothe formula nothing is working I always to help her get her gas out she's always constipated. I'm losing it here. Idk what else to do but I'm just trying to rule out the colic thing but idk. She's also tongue tied which I I know doesn't help her and probably also why she fights her feedings