Please read, Need advice outside of family ‼️

We've pretty much made our decision, but I'd like input from others I don't know ( to get unbiased  feedback ) So . . I'm 18 & my boyfriend turns 19 in 3 months. We live together >> at his mom's place for the meantime. I just got hired at Walmart & he's trying to get on up there too. The plan is for us to work and save majority of our money then move into his house that's an hour away.. Sometime during the summer of next year or a little later , I could transfer from Walmart I'm thinking . . His grandmother died two years ago and left her house for him. It's a beautiful, 2 story house.. Fully furnished w/ no notes. We both have cars that are paid for. I was thinking about selling mine so we'll have even more money saved up for when we move. Since the house has everything we'll need (his dad has been keeping up with the utilities and cable) & we have transportation .. Do you think us going ahead and moving is a bad idea? Even if I couldn't transfer I'm fine with doing the commute to get to work, which would be 58 mins away. I would love to hear your thoughts.. I should probably also mention that this isn't some little puppy love with a guy I met a year or two ago. We've know each other since we were 5 .. He became one of my closest friends 7th grade year.. He was there for every one of my breakups .. & I was there for him. We finally exited being just bestfriends this year after graduation.. People say we're too young to know, but this guy here is the only guy I'll ever want to be with.. This is him. I know some of you know the feeling of falling for your bestfriend, it's the best type of relationship when it actually works out.. Well I'm done rambling lol.