to ladies trying to raise a child in a parents home.

I'm really in need of advice. I'm living my at my boyfriends house with his parents. Well I'm due in March and we're still going to be living at their house when the babies here. He's an only child and his mom refuses to let us move out. We're both 21 btw. She feels like I'm taking her son away from her, she treats him like a baby and acts like he can't do anything himself. My boyfriend does EVERYTHING around the house for his parents when he shouldn't have to. We both want to move out and and we'd have enough money to but the way things are looking right now I'm just not sure we will find anything we like by the time the babies here. He only got preapproved for 100,000 for a house and I can't put my name down because I get paid by personal checks and can't prove I have a job so we're kind of stuck. I just know when this baby comes she's gonna try raising my child herself, looking over my shoulder at everything I do, putting in her two cents when she shouldn't be. We live in the basement and she wants the nursery next to her room because hats the only spare room in the house. I don't want to wake up in the middle of the night to go comfort my baby and see that his moms already holding her....that's my baby that's my job. Yes I know she'll sleep in our room for a while but still. Yes I'll end up putting my foot down to her a lot but I just don't want problems and it won't be avoided if she tries to raise my child.
Thing is I know if we stay here another year we can save over 20,000 and be able to afford a lot more than right now I just don't know if I can do it. Someone in a similar situation please help me out here. I don't know what to do 😭