1st ultrasound and no sign of baby

Hello, i went for my first ultrasound today and the baby wasnt visible. The dr says im about 7.5 weeks but i am pretty sure im only about 6.5 weeks. The doctor made it sound like i definitely miscarried but my body hasnt caught on yet. The ultasound tech said not to come back for at least a week but due to the holiday they scheduled me for another ultrasound in only 6 days. At first i was devastated after this news but ive done some research and this might be common. Just wondering if anyone has experienced this or if anyone has feedback?
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I would ask for your hcg levels monitored.. when babies are that little they can *hide*. 


Kendra • Nov 17, 2016
I had an experience like this in April.. unfortunately my levels where going down.. hoping your are still growing just fine


Vicki • Nov 17, 2016
if i get the same result on tuesday i will ask that. ive had one test and everything was fine that was on halloween.


Posted at
Same thing happen to me and they assumed it was a miscarriage or etopic ruled out ectopic now just waiting to see if there's Anna y in my belly or not now , just have to pray to go every day and night 


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Are they dating you by last missed period?? At 6 weeks it is definitly possibly that all you would see is a gestational sack. Generally by 7 there is at least a yolk sac if not a fetal pole. By 8 weeks you should be able to see a fetus and a heart flicker. I had my first US at 6 weeks 3 days and all we saw was a sack, they had me come back 2 Weeks later and sure enough my nugget was there! Keep the hope ❤


Emilee • Nov 17, 2016
you might as well go in for your appointment so that your not driving yourself crazy by waiting an additional 2 weeks. in 6 days, there should be a visible yolk sac, which would be a great sign that the pregnancy is progressing!


Vicki • Nov 17, 2016
thank you. there was a sac but nothing inside. im wondering if i should go for my 2nd ultrasound on tuesday or reschedule for the following week. they squeezed me in because no one is there the rest of the week due to thanksgiving


Posted at
This was my ultrasound yesterday at 5w+6 days. I hope you can see your baby at the next scan! ❤️