Today was a hard day. 😭😭😭


Pretty sure my 5 week old son hates me every other day. Yesterday we had an ok day-two doctor's appointments and he was fairly easy to handle. He'd eat, I'd change him, rock him and he would go to sleep or I'd pack him up to head to our appointments and he'd pass out in the car.

Today is the exact opposite. We didn't have any appointments and I was looking forward to getting some rest while he did. Well, that didn't happen. I fed him, changed him, rocked him and repeated but nothing would soothe him today. Just when he would be about to fall asleep, he'd start screaming. I finally packed him up and drove around for an hour. He screamed the first 20 to 30 minutes, then finally fell asleep. I came back home and fed him, changed him, and rocked him for over an hour before he FINALLY fell asleep enough for me to put him down. I had to put him down and take a break twice today while he just cried and screamed and I cried. Which breaks my heart that I can't handle him sometimes. πŸ’”πŸ˜­

I don't have family nearby and don't really have friends to reach out for help locally. My husband is back to work and doesn't get home until after 6 at the earliest. I'm alone with him for at least 12 hours a day. I'm dreading tomorrow because we're going to have his lip and tongue tie evaluated, and possibly have one or both fixed. After today, I've lost my confidence to soothe him. I don't know what to do or what else I can do to help him. I'm so tired and frustrated and want to be there for him. I feel like I should know what he needs!