I really thought that my son would be early

I really thought that my son would be early.  At 38 weeks I was 2cm and 80% effaced. I left my appointment that day and my husband and I went to get dinner. When we were walking in I felt a gush. I ran in the bathroom and I was bleeding heavily. I called my doctor. He said he wasn't concerned, it was from the exam, but my labor could start. But nothing else happened. I felt great. A weeks later I had my 39 week appointment. I was 3 cm, fully effaced, my doctor told me my cervix was super soft. He told me my labor would be 8 hours max, but he was thinking more like 3-4 and he was thinking he'd see me that weekend or come Monday he would break my water. 
I woke up Friday 11/11, miserable for the first time in my entire pregnancy. I was over it. I was huge, I couldn't sleep, my hips hurt, and it was really annoying to pee every 4 seconds. Everyone we know thought our son would be born on 11/11 as it's both mine and my husbands birthdays. But alas, no baby. 
11/13 ( one day before my due date AND our 1 year wedding anniversary) I woke up feeling like if I didn't get out of our house I would lose my mind. So, I woke up my husband, said let's go to my parents, if I'm in this house one more second I'm going to freak out. Lol we left. 
7:30 ish pm we were watching tv at my parents, I felt a little gush, went in the bathroom, blood again. I walked out, said I'm bleeding again. My mom said, you're going into labor tonight. I felt fine. Told my husband let's go home. I want to shower before I call the doctor and ask him if we should go to the hospital. We went home. Showered. Called my doctor. He said, go to the hospital and get checked, probably very early labor. 
9:10p we left the house, I had like 2 contractions on the way, but I really wasn't sure since I had never had one. 
9:30p we were checked in, they hooked me up to monitor me. I was having contractions, but they weren't crazy. I wanted to go 100% natural, so the nurse said, let's monitor you for an hour then decide if you want to stay or go home 
10:30p at this point I was actually feeling the contractions and they were getting more intense. They checked my cervix and I was at 4cm. I told the nurse I felt like I should stay. 
After that point things got crazy. My contractions were picking up, very intense, and a lot of back pain. My mom started timing them, because she was concerned that the nurse wasn't coming in and checking me every so often. I got on a birthing ball and tried rocking through them. Nurse finally came back in and was like let's try the jacuzzi. I was like good. My back is killing me. I told her I was feeling like I needed to push. She started filling the tub and my mom was like um please check her before you put her in that tub... I was 8cm!  No tub for me. She called my ob, but he lives 40 mins from the hospital. 
I was on the bed having contractions and my body took over and was pushing. I couldn't even stop it. My water broke during that time. 
Another nurse came in and was pissed at the whole situation the first nurse had me in. I was sitting on the bed, and my body was pushing and I couldn't stop it, and I was essentially sitting on my baby's head. They laid me back kept telling me not to push. They had the resident doctor come in and he was moving in slow motion and was pissy (from what I'm told). I remember it getting really crazy in the room. Then at the last second my doctor floated in. So calm, collected, and the whole atmosphere changed.  I don't remember much from pushing him out. I do remember getting worked up and I felt like I was going watching someone else and the nurse pulled me back to reality. 
6 big pushes and he was on my chest
And I was amazed, like I couldn't comprehend how he was on top of me. 
5 hours total from the time we got into the hospital until he has on my chest 
Cillian Emre D'Auria
Born 11/14/16 at 2:25am 7lbs 9oz
The most amazing anniversary gift