ADVICE!! - I have a crush on my friend

So, I am really into my best guy mate, I've been in denial about it for many, many years.
I've known him for over 3years, and our relationship has always been very flirtatious .  We could always rely on each other for the drunken make out and then laugh about it the next day.
However over the last few months it's been a bit more than that.  We hang out all the time - often one on one.  Yes we definitely still get our flirt and drunken make out sessions on. But now you can pretty much guarantee we will wake up in bed together every Sunday morning. However, we haven't slept together yet. It's never awkward the next day, we always lie in late just chatting, snuggling and kissing.
I was sure I never liked him as more than a friend. But certain situatiobs recently have confirmed to me that I definitely have a major crush on him.
And I know the feeling is mutual. For months my friends have been telling me about how when he's drunk he tell them how much he likes me - and wants to make me his gf.  BUT what annoys me is he has never said anything to me. I'm getting frustrated cause I guess I expect him to take us out of the friend zone as he's the guy - but he's being a pussy!
I don't know what to do?! Obviously I want it to happen, but I don't want to be the initiator... help??
Ps well done if you made it this far 😉