Boyfriend still has pics of him and his ex

My boyfriend and I have been together for over 3 years, but he still has an album on FB titled something cheesy (can't remember the name), and it's all pictures of him and his ex-girlfriend. The album is private, so only he can see it. She was his first serious gf, and she took his virginity. All the pictures are very cute and lovey - a picture of him giving here a massive bouquet of roses, pictures of them kissing, etc. Honestly, he seems like a totally different person in those photos. He isn't romantic at all anymore, but in those pictures and in that relationship, he totally was. Back when I first saw these photos, I asked why he still had them, and he said they were memories so why would he delete them? I still have mixed feelings about this to this day (obvi) because I still feel like he misses his life back then. I wish he was as romantic with me as he was with her. I'd love flowers occaisionally..