Does he just want sex?

This dude I've been talking to for like 2 days, LITERALLY 2 days & so we did a Q&A. You know, where he asks questions & I ask questions. So the first thing he started off asking was when did I lose my virginity. So that was a red flag for me. I didn't answer I kind of rejected it, and I went on to ask him a more apporpitate question. So then he asked another question back. He asked did I like head. I rejected that question as well, so then he asked did I like doggy style or from the front. So I eventually told him that his questions were making me feel uncomfortable & how he could even be comfortable asking me those questions and we've only known each other for 2 days................... So now he wants to argue & basically be a smart ass about me telling him how I feel about it. He's obviously not use to females who respect themselves. His only comment was that he can't help that he is a bold person & isn't afraid to ask questions. So to you ladies, would you feel the Same way I felt? Would you have said something as well? Am I wrong for telling him that I see his true intentions?!?