I need encouragement

I need to speak to someone because I'm feeling overwhelmed. My husband and I decided together that we would try for a breastfeeding goal of one year for our daughter. She'll be five months and she's breastfeeding like a champ and thankfully she's gaining beautifully and started on solids a month ago. So what could be the problem? I want my body back. I want to be able to wear underwire bras and dresses that don't have that elastic in the front. I want to be able to have my husband watch her for a few hours while I take a nap without having to worry about pumping in my spare time. I know this sounds selfish, but you have to understand that as parents we sacrifice so much and will continue to do so every day of our lives. I love being a mom and I love my daughter and i of course want what's best for her. I began giving her a bottle of formula once a day. My husband is livid. He doesn't understand why I would do that if she's gaining weight nicely and is bonding is well. But I need some time to myself. I need to be able to have at least one feeding break a day. To take a bath. A walk. Go out with my husband and leave her at a sitter, or even to wear a beautiful dress. My husband has come to accept the new reality because he loves me and wants parenthood to be a smooth transition for the both of us. But it pains him and he's constantly bringing it up. He feels awful that we're depriving her of breastmilk and it's starting to really affect me. I need some encouragement. Have any of you mommas went through this?