People don't know how to react to a miscarriage

Britney • I'm a happily married to the love of my life and I'm a 27 year old who is graduating university soon this year and is hoping to start having some beautiful babies soon! We have had one pregnancy and miscarriage at 7 weeks so far hoping for a rainbow baby
I understand that but some. People in my life are being a little insensitive. Most are amazing and supportive and lovely and my mother in law is bring really nice but she really doest know what to say and was basically guilt tripping me the other day about losing the baby she spent a long time telling me how everyone she knows is pregnant and they were all married around the same time as us and I just said well that's nice one day we will hopefully have a baby too and she was just going on and on about all these woman about to go into labour and here she is telling everyone I miscarried (which I did not ask her to do she just does) it just hurt a bit why is she rubbing in? Then there's my so called best friend who literally hasent talked to me since I miscarried last month not even once to ask how I am doing my family has been lovely and supportive for the most part so I am very thankful for that people just have the weirdest reaction to miscarriages they are basically ignoring me because of it it is stupid lol