birth story 40 weeks

So here is my birth story it all started around 3 in the morning on November 10 I started having a lot of pains then I went to the restroom and saw I was bleeding so I got scared and went to the hospital to only find out I'm loosing my mucus plug. But yet still in so much pain there just light contractions dr said and I'm only 1cm dialated so they end up sending me home I come home and I'm just in so much pain so same day I go back to the hospital and they won't check my cervix only because I was there three hours ago so they said I'm probably still a one came home and I couldn't stand the pain so I went to another hospital remind u that this hospital is about 30 minutes away and is now 5 in the afternoon now so I get there and they check my cervix and I'm 4 to 5cm dialated so I'm in labor around 9 they put me in a room I get a epidural around 12 midnight on the 11th of November but for some reason the epidural feels like it's not working so they do it agin I'm in so much pain and still at a 4 to 5cm then around 3 in the morning my water breaks I'm contracting so slow it's now 10 in the morning finally at a 6 to 7cm dialated and pain is all I'm in drs are kinda getting fusterated because I'm not really making progress then around 7 at night on 11 of November they say ur at a 10 so we are ready to push and at 1118 baby boy was born weighing 7 pounds 6 ounces