finally had a break down

Yesterday I got in a huge argument with my sister and I broke down crying. She's always judging me and saying things aren't correct because it's not "her way". 
She doesn't like the hospital I'm delivering at because the nicu is only level 2 instead of level 5 which is usually needed for high risk mommas and babies. I love the hospital I'm delivering at because the nurses and doctors have high experience with natural in medicated birth and respect the choices without rushes which my sisters hospital rushes your labor and try's to do too many interventions. 
She says I'm gaining too much weight and says how she only gained 10lbs her last two pregnancies because she throw up the whole time during pregnancy and I haven't thrown up at all. Plus she's like 200lbs heavier than me. 
She complained that at my baby shower we have to take our shoes off because the place likes a clean environment and said she talked to other people about it and it's just weird and ridiculous. 
I just feel like she's been negative my whole pregnancy and I couldn't take it anymore. I wish she could have been supportive. 
She says she's mad because her and my mom didn't plan my baby shower and that's wrong, but my mom didn't plan any of her 3 baby showers so who is she to judge me? I just wanted things my way and they never listen to what I want so that's why I planned my own baby shower. 
I just feel like I don't want her there during labor and her and my mom just bring too much drama 😢😡