Does anyone get anxious about something bad happening during delivery?

I'm having my 4th baby and I never felt like this with the others. With my other pregnancies, I imagined baby in my arms and couldn't wait for them to come out. This baby, I can't picture at all. I'm going to have a repeat csection on Tues and instead of being worried about surgery, I'm worried I won't have a baby to come home with. Like something bad will happen... It doesn't even seem real that he will be here in a few days. My other babies, I was eager and excited. I suffer from anxiety which has actually mellowed out during the pregnancy. I'm not sure if this is just anxiety or actual intuition. I feel like if I can't even imagine him here, or what it's going to be like, so maybe it's not going to actually happen? I sound crazy. I plan on taking my meds right after delivery and doing placenta encapsulation to help prevent PPD. Does anyone else feel this way or am I just starting my anxiety ahead of time and freaking myself out? Thanks for your help