Am I being selfish? I'm just hurt

Right now my boyfriend is living for free because he was in foster care his whole life so the state gave him an apartment and pays for it until he gets on his feet. Well out of no where he decided that he's going to leave the apartment just so he can take money from his account with the state out of the bank to buy a car. His thought is that once he gets the car he'll be able to go tog work and not he lazy and will have responsibilities instead of living in a free apartment which makes him lazy and not try to find a job. My big this is because of this decision I'm going to lose my cat because I can't have her at my dad's house because he is highly allergic to cats. I've tried to get him to change his mind and not do this because I'm afraid he'll end up being homeless because he's going to rely on his family which really isn't a good idea seeing as they're the reason he was in foster care. I also don't want to lose my cat, I love her so much. I just cried so much when he told me his decision and ive argued with him about it. But what hurt me the most was when he said "I'll never let a female control my decisions and I'll never put her before myself again" thus really hurt me because I'm the one who always puts him before myself and when I'm going to make a huge decision I always think about what could happen to US if I do it. But he isn't thinking about how I feel, not only for the fact that we won't see each other much but for the fact that I'm going to lose my cat. It's like he doesn't care about what I'm saying and what I'm trying to get him to see. I feel like since he said that he doesn't care about me the way he says he does. I'm the only girl that he's ever been with that has stayed with him, that has taken care of him, who has put him before everyone, and I'm his longest relationship. Like why can't he put his all into me the way I put my all into him!😢