Currently getting more and more pissed every hour that goes by that I'm still awake πŸ˜ͺ😧😠😠😠

Ray β€’ Mommy to a handsome baby boy 2017 πŸ’š and beautiful baby girl 2018 πŸ’œ

I had my baby shower today so from 8 in the morning till 4 this evening I've been running all over hell getting things ready. It was a mixed shower my husband was there and we invited men to it. Well his cousins came over from Indiana...cuz we also have a Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow with a bunch of family...we live in Ohio. And they are staying with us. Just got out of the college life. Drink constantly and video games all night. I am currently 8 months pregnant, and have been laying in bed trying to sleep since 10 or 11. It is almost 1 in the morning and they are still awake being louder than hell playing GTA V. I have told my husband I am tired and continuously tell him they are being entirely too loud! His cousin asked him for a blanket and he told him to ask me that I'm still awake. She's pissed cuz we are being too loud...and none of them even attempted to quiet down. It happens everytime they come to visit and stay with us. The only difference this time is I'm effin pregnant and none of them seem to care whether or not I'm super pissed and tired. Like I get he wants to have fun with them since they live so far away but there is plenty of time in the day to act drunk and play games! They have been here for 2 days. It's been a long day and all I want to do is sleep.

I'm trying to be understandable and not ruin his fun but it's 1 in the morning and I did not sleep much last night either and he also knows that. I'm so tired and pissed to the point I wanna cry but I'm holding that back.

Sorry for the rant just super irritated! Thank you for taking the time to read this!


I finally fell asleep at 230-3 this morning and for no reason woke up at 8. Mad about it.

His cousin woke up because it was cold in the house πŸ˜‚ that what they get. Anyway, after he got out of the shower he got back on his game. The other 2 still awake. He actually had the decentcy to turn the tv down for them!! 😠 but couldn't do it last night!!!

Anyway he was in a car on the game with music playing amd I walked over and turned the tv up really loud and he goes I take it you like this song? I said hell no I could care less, they pointed to the other boys and said they can effin get up! And continued to make me some breakfast really loudly and the husband actually asked me whats with the attitude? All I said was you would have one too! And he walked away.

None of them were even mad I was being loud. Now they are all sitting playing the game together just like last night.

But now I'm tired again..😧 there is no winning until they leave and I'm able to nap.