help and advise please

I'm in a bad place atm, I don't know why. I suffer with aniexty and low moods and have recently been put on medication. I'm scared though because even though my aniexty has calmed down my mood seems to have dipped a lot, I don't know if this is me worrying about being low and me thinking I'm weak for resorting to medication. It's starting to impact my relationship severely to the point where I'm scared to open up because I think my boyfriend is sick of hearing the same shit, he huffs about it sometimes but other times he is supportive. I think men seem to think if you have a problem look for a solution I'm trying I honestly am but I'm miserable and I don't know why. I'm also not enjoying my job ATM. And my home life is shit. I only have my boyfriend there for me. Advise would be appreciated but no judgements