How your babies sleep?


Hey there :)

My baby girl is now 8 months and 3 weeks and her sleeping changed a lot since birth.

Till her 3 months she was sleeping most of time and at night i BF still. When i stop having milk and she could be the night without it she started to wake 😂 lucky me 😥 she then had a terrible phase till around 4 months where she wake like 4 /5 times and just didn't want to sleep anymore in the crib. So i need to get her out and put her next to me to feel asleep. During day wasn't any better as for napping time she needed to be hold and rocked to sleep and still waking 2 times. We had 15 days of beach vacation so she was getting better and falling asleep without rocking or being held. From 5 to 7 months she had a great phase having a good nap in morning and after lunch. Then we are going to bed at 8 pm and having milk at 11pm then sleeps to 7 am while waking usually 2/3times. She might sleep in the morning or not 😛 have a nap after lunch but she gets tired going through tge afternoon so she might sleep again between 5 /6 pm. I tried to change feeding hours to later or sooner but she just have this sleeping routine that doesn't seem to change. Does your babies also wake or they cry? Having her nap time with me next to her