Need to vent and get some advice


Sorry if this ends up being long. Well my LO is now 6 weeks 4 days old. He was 8lbs 4oz at birth and 8lbs 14oz as of yesterday. His doctor is concerned with his very slow weight gain. I seem to be producing enough so we're not sure why he's not gaining. Well for about the last week he seems to cry almost constantly during the day, if he's not on the boob. He takes a long time to nurse and then usually ends up falling asleep after 25 minutes or so. I am getting extremely frustrated with having to nurse him non stop and him not even gaining weight. He does have plenty of poop and pee diapers though and won't take a pacifier. Since he's not gaining weight his doctor has me continuing to wake him and feed every 2 hours at night 😴 when he likes to sleep 6-8.

All of this has led me to not even be able to enjoy my baby or enjoy my 7 year old. I spend all day sitting on the couch nursing or trying to calm the baby and i can't even make food or do anything with my other son. I just want to enjoy everything again and have a happy healthy baby. If anyone actually read this, thank you❤