help. please. 😭

Jay (Jenna)
Hello <a href="">Eve</a> Ladies!!
I need some advice. I have PCOS/Metobolic Disorder so I always get varied periods-late or not at all for a very long time. But at the start of this semester my partner and I consummated our relationship. And have been having regular sex. 
Now my period is six days late and it's like I'm in PMS hell. I was bloated for a week -had two days of spotting, and now I'm having intense cramps, and ovarian pain, and I'm sick in the stomach (NOT puking) and I'm just wondering if this is my body trying to go through a full period or if i might be pregnant. 
We've always used a condom that fits and we've never had one break. I'm probably just paranoid but I don't know what to do. I'm used to feeling crappy and weird periods but, I'm in college I cannot be a mother yet.