newborn doesn't want to sleep in bassinet during the night ?! HELP

Aryana • Due November 11th , 2016 ♡♡
Okay so during the day my newborn will sleep in her bassinet with no problems !! But once it's night, she cries all night until she is picked up and held. She's done this for the past week and it's really becoming a problem because I hold her and then we fall asleep together in my bed. Luckily , nothing has happened to her or she hasn't fallen off but it's super dangerous to keep doing this. I'm just literally getting no sleep on top of waking up every couple of hours to feed her ! I'm not sure if it's because she's too cold but I keep her in warm pajamas and swaddle her... I just don't know what to do anymore. She's only 17 days old , and I don't think I'm holding her too much but I don't want her to get used to sleeping with me and my SO because that's not safe at all and it can't continue any longer.. any tips on getting her to stay in her bassinet during the night? Thank you!!