Unexpected cesarean

My husband works overnights and I had went into labor around 5 am. I called him telling him not to rush home don't leave work that I'm in labor but the contractions aren't close enough. One of her biggest fears was not making it to the hospital because the hospital I chose to have my baby yet is not in my hometown it's about 45 minutes away. Well after he got home and threw out the day we ended up going into the hospital and when I got there they told me that I was having false contractions and it was hard to believe because they were consistent and got close together all morning and all day. They ended up admitting me because my blood pressure was sky-high and then they decided to induce me. I got the epidural and my body stopped dilating at a 5. They noticed my son's heart rate drop down to 60 and rushed me down to have an emergency C-section then when we got to the operating room his heart rate went back up. So they actually took me back to my room; about an hour later his heart rate dropped down again to 60 and from there they actually did a C-section. After they were done I heard him cry and sadly that's the last thing I remembered because I ended up passing out and waking up going back to sleep 5 different times in the recovery room. I didn't get to hold my son for two and a half hours after he was born. When I did get to hold him I cried I was so happy. I found out his heart rate dropped because the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck and shoulders. Seven years later he's a happy and healthy 7 year old boy. I felt the need to share this. It was scary and so relieving.