so my bfs family today at thanksgiving dinner, kept saying "oh my gosh, you're so big" , "you having twins?" "You are all belly" "yeah my baby was 9.5lb, yours might be that big too" "aren't you due soon?" "You look like you're due in a couple weeks" "has the doctor said anything about the babies weight"  
Like really? Fucking THANKS!!!!! 
I get that whatever, ignore them. But you know it's hard. My doctor has said nothing about the baby being too big. Yeah I gained like 30lbs in one month and now I haven't been gaining much besides 3-4 lbs here and there at my appts. Sooooooo wtf is up with people. It's so annoying, and RUDE AS FUCK!! I'm tired of it. Like I already don't feel like a huge whale, and then people have to make me feel worse. & on top of that make me feel like I'm over eating or making my baby fat. Now this was taken just a couple days ago, but you tell me, do I look too big for 3 days shy from 31 weeks??? 
Now remind you, I may look big to other people just cause I'm pretty short and usually small built. 5ft 1 and normally before pregnancy weighed 123..