I'm due in 10 days

And everyone keeps asking me if there's any complications, do I feel her moving, am I feeling symptoms that I'm just downplaying, am I walking and bouncing etc, as if her not being here yet is somehow a result of my already lacking parenting skills. It's making me frustrated and depressed. I'm a first time mom, and I've accepted that she might come on her due date or after. Everyone else, however, looks at me wide eyed when I tell them so. It's really getting on my nerves y'all 😩
Also: I'm SO sick of the everlasting "you're not opting for an elective induction or c section?! 😳 she's gonna be HUGE!!"....😕 My doula and midwife don't think there's a need for a planned induction, no matter how big the ultrasounds show, and I'm opting for as little intervention as possible. Is anyone else in the same boat, where people are being WAY too opinionated about YOUR pregnancy??