Long Distance Teen Pregnancy

Hi Everyone. I got back from visiting my long distance boyfriend recently. I had only been on the pills for two weeks and I'm not used to the routine yet and forgot to pack them (I was nervous, excited and scatterbrained as a result) We used condoms for a couple days but then he said he had everything under control and we could go without one. I consented to that but an accident happened. and then again. and a few more times. My birth control arrived in the mail. I started taking it again but I know they aren't effective until correctly taken for a week. I started spotting and was scared that was implantation bleeding. we went to purchase an emergency contraceptive pill a few days later. Plan B pills only postpone ovulation. I've been using a <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">period app</a> for about a year and the day we had sex was my expected ovulation day and the pill doesn't do anything if ovulation already started. My ovulation day MIGHT be off since I only recently started BC but there's no way of knowing. I reacted very badly to the pill and felt so sick and nauseous. And even if the pill was effective, a few days after THAT we had more irresponsible unprotected sex. I rode him and I told him to warn me when he was ready to ejaculate, but he said "I'm COMING!" and it was too late. I didn't buy another one because I knew how awful it made me feel and taking more than one in a month can really jack up your cycle. I've been trying to put it out of my mind but It's been a week and a half since the incident and I'm experiencing breast tenderness, breast swelling, bloatedness, frequent urination (slightly off odor), hankering for anything salty, headaches, ?irritability to certain sounds? I can bet I've read every single pregnancy related article online. I've even called my OBGYN and planned parenthood. There's nothing I can do until I've missed my period and can test but the anticipation is killing me. I'm only 18 and ProCHOICE but I'd still choose Parenting over any other alternatives for myself. If anyone has had a similar experience or could offer any comfort it'd be greatly appreciated