So maybe I'm pregnant...



So according to the <a href="">glow app</a> my period was supposed to have started on the 21st of this month, and for the past three months it's been the 21st. I'm married, almost 4 months to the day, to a guy that I've been with for roughly 5 years. Though we waited till marriage to have sex, plus we just graduated from college, and got new jobs in a new state. Once my period was late, which it's usually early if not right on time, I started looking at early symptoms.

I don't have morning sickness, or any implantation bleeding, or breast soreness, or dizziness. The only thing I do have is some slight bloating, little cramping , and some heartburn for the past two days.

Is this enough to think I'm pregnant, and/or should I wait a few more days to worry? Do I go ahead and take a pregnancy test?

We weren't planning to have a baby for at least a few years, and just so you know plan B and abortion are not an option with us. So do I tell him now, do I wait till after the home test? Do I see a doctor, then tell him? And what's the best way to tell your new husband about an unplanned pregnancy?

I would ask my family these questions but to tell you the truth i would feel pretty judged, my mom says wait till I'm 30, im 23. My dad was hesitant about us even getting married. I have some supportive family but i truly am worried about the judgement.