hubby leaving me home while he enjoys our hobbies :-/

Trying to decide if I'm being petty or if I have a right to be bummed. 
My husband and I are avid snowboarders. We go every weekend of the season. I'm pregnant this season, which I'm thrilled about! But I'm also having a hard time knowing I'll be missing the snowboarding season. 
My husband works 60 hours a week, so I barely see him. He's still planning on going snowboarding without me every weekend, which means I'll be... 
a. Alone 
B. Missing out on our favorite thing to do together 
C. Seeing him even less. 
Part of me feels it isn't fair for him to go snowboarding every weekend while I sit at home and incubate our baby. I don't want to deprive him altogether, but feel he shouldn't go as often as past seasons given the circumstance this year. 
Thoughts? How do you feel about your partners doing their stuff while you're pregnant?