help!! TMI CM thick and white?

I am 10dpo and I'm not sure if my CM is normal or abnormal right now. It is thick and white kinda like lotion. I am currently on an antibiotic and I'm taking a probiotics so I don't get a yeast infection. 
I forgot to take my probiotics yesterday and today I am a little itchy at the opening of my vagina but not itchy inside. I don't have any strange odors. 
My cm has been thick for 4 days now, so I am unsure if it is a pregnancy symptom or AF. I'm due for AF on the28th.
First picture is yesterday before the slight itching. Mostly white, slight yellow tint. Heavy cm all day. 
Today it is all white, not as heavy, but thick like lotion. 
Third pic, today, is white thick and like lotion. It seems a little grainy but not chunky. I've had a yeast infection before but it didn't feel like this.