Anyone worried about/dealt with postpartum depression?

I suffer from severe anxiety, depression, and bipolar. I'm off of all meds aside from Zoloft because that's the only thing approved safe for me by my psych and OB (that's also the only med I'm approved for when it's time to breastfeed). Being pregnant has been exciting, but I'm terrified about PPD. I've been very open about it with my doctor and my husband, but there's no real way to be prepared.
I held a newborn today (I'm 34w) and I just felt nothing. Everyone was cooing at her and "oh she's so cute," but I didn't even feel right holding her (I'm also having a girl). I honestly couldn't wait until someone took her from me (she wasn't even crying).
I'm so worried there's going to be a disconnect when it's my baby. The chemical imbalance in my mind is completely unpredictable especially having bipolar 1.
Does anyone have any tips of ways to be prepared if this does happen to me? My husband tries but doesn't understand the illnesses- is there anything I should be telling him that I possibly haven't yet?