need to rant!?!

Okay so my little boy is now 11 weeks old and me and my other half planned him and planned having him, ever since having him my other half literally hardly ever helps out at the night time, yeah I get it he works and it's tiring but it's also tiring to be looking after a baby day in day out all I ask is for a little hand to do a night feed if he wakes or morning so I can't just get a few more hours😔 he moans and says the woman should do it anyway that why the women get the time off work or says that I do nothing all day, like seriously yeah he's only a baby but I have to clean sort bottle play with him do the washing ironing make dinner everything I guess I'm just getting tired and wanted to see if anyone has the same or has any advice 😔👎🏻 so I love my little boy so much but it seriously does get tiring sometimes  If I wanted to feel like a single parent I'd be one I shouldn't have to feel like it surely x