Not attracted to other half anymore

Well I had my little girl 4 and a half months ago and it feels like it's just me that's bringing her up. Her dad is useless and that's why I think I'm not attracted to him anymore! We don't sleep in the same bed anymore, he sleeps on the couch and anytime that he does come to bed I feel like I have to sleep with him just to keep him happy. Last night my baby was struggling to get settled so I literally had to shout at other half to help me and get me calpol (little one is teething) she was up in middle of the night for a feed and again he did nothing!! He came home from work yesterday and pretty much slept all afternoon!! I don't no if it's my hormones or if it's the fact he does nothing that I'm no longer attracted to him. Sometimes I feel like I'd be better off as a single parent!! I don't no wat to do.