How do you know??..

My man and I have been together almost two years, and they definitely haven't been the easiest but we've always worked through it together. We've already been talking about the possibility of getting married sometime within the next 6 months to a year but nothing official yet. He has a soon to be 5 year old daughter from a previous relationship, and others in her family both on her dad's side as well as her mom's have had babies within the last year or are currently pregnant, she's very curious about the whole thing and has been very loving toward the babies once they're born.. But she is both of her parents only child and is definitely a daddy's girl. 
Recently she was at home with us and her dad's cousin and his fiancé who is about 3 weeks from her due date were at our home and she got to feel the baby moving, and she's been talking about babies a lot the past few months.. She came and sat by me and a little while later told me she wanted to ask me something.. Y'all she asked me when I was gonna have a baby with her dad. Her dad was as floored as I was and asked if she wanted a little brother or sister, and reminded her that it would mean sharing her daddy (she's very.. VERY.. jealous about not being the center of his attention)
She still told him yes, that she wanted a little brother or sister. 
That's the only time we've all talked about it but it's definitely been something to think about.  We've talked a few times about it but always said we needed to wait til she was a little older and more able to understand she wasn't being replaced.. 
I love this man and want nothing more than growing old and raising a family with him, and he seems to feel the same.. but do you ever really just know know that you're ready for that step?