My Daughters Birth Story 🌻🌻

Kadie • "Im not a regular mom, Im a cool mom."

I'm not sure how to start this off SO I'll start with my 37week checkup. Everything throughout my whole pregnancy was normal, no high blood pressure, no complications, nothing. At my 37 week appointment, I had a small amount of protein in my urine so my OB ordered a 24hr urine test just in case I was getting preeclampsia. I did the test, and got my results back on a Thursday, October 12. That day I was home napping and woke up to 50+ MISSED CALLS. From my mom(who works at my OBGYN), my boyfriend at the time, and my DR. I had very high levels of protein at that point and my DR wanted me to go in to be monitored that day. I went in, my blood pressure was up and down but not high enough for my doctor to be concerned. She sent me home after a few hours of monitoring and asked me to come back Sunday, Oct 15th, about 11am to be monitored again to be on the safe side. I went back in on Sunday and I was having mild contactions and my blood pressure was staying high. I was kept on the monitors for a few hours and my doctor comes in and asked me the question I was so nervous to hear. "Are you ready to meet your baby?!" I was so shocked and scared. She was ready to induce me at 38weeks because my blood pressure was just too high and baby needed to come out. I started Cycotec that night, after my first dose the contractions seemed to hit harder and I started having AWFUL back labor. I had a few doses of Cycotec and my DR checked my cervix, nothing. He tried to break my water, failed. We stopped Cycotec and started pitocin. At this point, it's Monday night(MY 21ST BIRTHDAY) and I'm dying from back labor, I seemed to forget the contractions because my back was hurting soo bad. I labored all day Monday and into Tuesday. My doctor came back and checked my cervix again all and I was only 1cm dilated and he could barely feel my daughters head. He said the way I was progressing, it was looking like I'd need a csection because of my blood pressure continuing to stay high and getting higher. It was 6pm and I finally agreed to a csection, which I didn't want because I was so scared and it was my first baby! About 7:30pm they came and got me ready to go back to the OR. I was hysterically crying, ready to meet my baby. I was nervous and I had so many emotions flowing at once. I got back to the OR, got my spinal tap, which took longer than expected, and got laid down on the table and ready to birth my baby girl! My daughters father came in and held my hand through the whole thing and as soon as I heard, "She's here!" I started crying once again, as did her father. Her first cry was the best thing ever and I'll never forget it. Her father walked over to cut her cord, see her and take pictures. They placed her on my chest for skin to skin while they finished closing me up. I was in love. 💗💗 and so happy to finally meet my daughter after a LONG almost 9 months.

On October 17, 2016 at 8:10pm, Nova Raine was born at 7.7lbs and 19in.

She was/is perfect. The best birthday gift I will ever receive in my entire life.

Then, everything went down hill. She had jaundice and had to be under the blue lights for 12 hours and the dr said she was okay and she could come out and we could go home. We go home, I'm breastfeeding, and she doesn't seem to be doing good eating. So I go in to see my lactation consultant and her jaundice levels were SO high and she lost weight since leaving the hospital. My poor baby. She had to go back under the blue lights and be taken away to the nursery. While she was back there they noticed she had "limp" arms and referred us to a neurologist. As her jaundice went down and my poor baby was poked over and over, her strength came back and her arms seemed to be normal again. As a first time mommy, the only thing running through my mind was the worst. I thank God for getting me and my daughter through that tough time. She is now over a month old, past her birth weight and at a normal weight, growing and EATING so much. My heart is full and I'm so thankful for my daughter. ❤💗