starting to worry

I'm 6 days away from my predicted period. My period is always on time, but every once in a while it's a day or two off. 9 days ago I had unprotected sex on my ovulation day. He pulled out, but we were doing it for a good hour or so. Today at work (I have a physical job at FedEx) my lower stomach started to hurt a little. Not a usual pain that I ever remember feeling. It almost feels kind of bloated and achy if that makes sense. I get home and pee and it felt kind of slipery when I wiped but I didn't check. I wipe again and there is some blood on the tp and stretchy blood tinged cm. I'm scared this could be implantation. I want a baby but I'm not in the position to have one and neither is my partner. And he's only 19 I'm 26. And if it's not implantation could it be an STD? I don't know what to think 🙁