Best friend/ex boyfriend.


So, I've been best friends with this guy for going on 5 years. He knows almost everything about me. He's my best friend!! Well, we dated for 4 days in the beginning of freshman year. He'd liked me for 3 years prior to that. We were confused middle schoolers and he just wasn't taking the hint that I wasn't interested and then he would do something I liked. Then I'd give in a bit and flirt. And then he would start to push me away and I would remember why I wasn't interested in the first place. It all came down to those 4 days. I finally gave him a chance and it just didn't work for us. He felt it. I felt it. We agreed that we just weren't right for each other. We agreed to just learn from it and forget it. Now, I know some of you are going to go on about how I'm crazy and that never works. Well, shut up. Don't hate. It works for us and I don't want to hear all the negative comments about a choice that's best for me. I've heard it before. That's not why I'm posting this.

Anyway, it's been almost 2 years since then and we're still best friends. I've been in a relationship for a year and 2 months. He's been in a relationship for 3-4 months. We're both super happy and comfortable talking about our significant others to each other. I don't get jealous. He might and if he does, he doesn't act on it. But. The twist about our significant other's is that...

My boyfriend doesn't like him.

His girlfriend doesn't like me.

Their reasonings are mediocre. They're okay. I could see it but they're both being protective and dramatic. Which is okay and we both understand.

With that information in mind and the importance of our friendship, he's drifting away from me. We don't talk at all anymore except in 1 class. That's it. I feel hurt.

Do I have a right to be hurt? Should I just let him go and move on? Should I bring it up to him and tell him how I'm feeling? I have so many questions and not enough confidence to follow through with them.

Please help