Feeling loved but insecure

I suffer from adult acne breakouts, luckily they are only breakouts and not constant but whenever I get them I feel incredibly self-conscious and insecure. 😫😫😫
My boyfriend came over last night and noted that my face looked really sore. 
I was mortified and tried to hide my face but he just said no, no, no, and took my face gently in his hands and kissed me all over my face and sore skin then told me he loved me, always. 😍😍😍
I'm trying really hard to combat all of my insecurities from previous relationships and my teen years and for once I have a guy who actually helps me to do that! 
Just wanted to share some love with you all! ❤️❤️❤️
Have a great day everyone! 😘😘😘