Lost in this relationship?!?!

So, I met this guy on a dating website, things started out really well. He was super sweet, super into us, and the sex was great too. We've spent so much time together. And we have had a few issues, but what relationship doesn't.  He says I pick fights and cause all the drama within our relationship, and says I overthink things way too much. Always is picking at the way I look. And now it's like he can't be bothered to be with me and like I can't leave because I won't ever find anyone better. I've said I'll leave and his response is no you won't... we got into a big fight one night over a job I told. And he has been completely different, says he isn't having fun anymore and I need to help him have fun with me, and he seems only Interested in getting sexual favors from me and no longer interested in me at all. Like I said I love spending time with him and his response was. "Ya we spend a lot of time together". My daughter loves him and I know it'd make her sad to see him go. I just can't do this anymore. I'm so sad all I want is for him to show a little Interest and like before where he actually cared about me and what i have to offer.